The faces of those who do Zikr will remain bright in this life and will carry a special radiance in the Hereafter

One who is frequently engaged in Zikr, whether he is in or out of his house, whether he is stationary or travelling, he will find, on the Day of Judgement, a large number of witnesses in his favour.  
Almighty Allah has described “the Day of Judgment, the day when the Earth will tell all that it knows.”
Rasulullah ﷺ asked his companions if they knew what this news would be. Then Rasulullah ﷺ said, “Whatever deed is done, good or bad, by any man or woman on the face of the Earth, the Earth will describe it all, with time and place.” 

Hence, one who does Zikr at many places will find many witnesses in his favour.

Al-Ghurabah Reminders