1. To wake up early and engage in worship [Tahajjud].
2. It is Sunnah to eat something sweet [preferably, dates] before proceeding for Eid al-Fitr Salah.
3. To perform Ghusl [bath]. The Ghusl should preferably be performed between sunrise and the Eid prayer.
4. To apply fragrance
5. To brush the teeth using the Miswak
6. To wear best clothes [or new clothes].
7. To give Sadaqah Fitr on Eid al-Fitr [before proceeding for the prayer].
8. To walk to the place of prayer if possible.
9. To go to the place of prayer as early as possible and gain the reward of observing the prayer in the first row.
10. To go to the place of prayer via one route and to return via another route.
11. To express happiness by displaying obedience and gratitude to Allah.
12. To smile at meeting a fellow believer
13. Offer charity
14. To continuously read the Takbir at-Tashriq from home till the commencement of the actual Eid Salah.
15. It is Sunnah to continuously read the Takbir quietly whilst going to the place of Salaah [Eidgaah].